Name Numerology Chart, Numerology calculator| Number Astrology


Numerology Chart for English Alphabets H to N


Numerology Chart for English Alphabets O to U


Numerology Chart for English Alphabets V to Z


Numerology Calculator for Names | Tamil Numerology

Numerology is very often used by Tamil people, while deciding the Name of the Baby, Name of the Office, name of the Company, Name of the building / Choosing the Life partner name, etc,. For Example, In English Numerology Chart, For Each English Character, Value is assigned based on the numerology chart listed above. The Total Value of the name of / building decides the numerology astrology of the name talked about. It is believed that, This numerology value plays major role in individual life and their success. Hence, very often people refer Tamil calendar for numerology Chart and their benefits.

Numerology - Name and Number Astrology Calculator

If we take example of English Numerology Chart, English Alphabet A denotes numerology value 1 and B denotes numerology value 2, C denotes numerology value 3, D denotes numerology value 4, E denotes numerology value 5, F denotes numerology value 8, G denotes numerology value 3. For H Numerology value is 5, For I & J numerology value is 1, For K numerology value is 2, for L numerology value is 3, for M numerology value is 4, and for N numerology value is 5.

Numerology chart for English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kanada, Marati and Bengali

Numerology value for O is 7, Numerology value for P is 8, numerology value for Q is 1, numerology value for R is 2, numerology value for S is 3 and numerology value for T is 4, and numerology value for U is 6. Numerology value for V is 6, numerology value for W is 6, numerology for X is 5, numerology value for Y is 1 and numerology value for Z is 7.

Addition of all these numerology values to the given name indicates the numerology value of the name, which decides the future / happiness / Wealth of the individual / company / building, etc. We may notice, all the Tamil daily calendars contains the Numerology chart with its values, because of its wide usage. Any one want to refer the numerology chart, can refer this page.

Numerology Astrology

Numerology astrology is a belief system that suggests a mystical connection between numbers and various aspects of one's life, including personality, destiny, and events. It is based on the idea that each number holds unique vibrations and energies that can influence an individual's life.

Key Concepts in Numerology Astrology:

Numerology astrologers use various methods to calculate these numbers and interpret their meanings. The numbers 1 to 9 and master numbers 11, 22, and 33 are particularly significant in numerology. Each number is associated with specific traits and characteristics.

Applications of Numerology Astrology:

Numerology is often used for various purposes, including:


Numerology astrology is a fascinating field that explores the connections between numbers and human life. While it may not be considered a science, many individuals find value in its insights and guidance for their personal and spiritual journeys.

Disclaimer: Numerology astrology is a belief system and should be approached with an open mind and a degree of skepticism. Its interpretations can vary among practitioners.